Having a mass celebrated

Having a mass celebrated, in a thanksgiving or special intention, either for a loved or deceased one.

Having a mass celebrated

To have a mass celebrated, you just have to share your special intention.
The traditional offering for each request is set by the Conférence des Evêques de France (French Bishops’ Conference)

  • €18 for a mass.
  • €180 for a novena of masses.
  • €550 for a 30-day Mass Novena

Such offering helps to contributing to the priests’ livelihood.

Please note that considering the large number of requests, it is not possible to commit to a specific date for the celebrations.

At the basilica : If you come in person, you can go to the Welcome Desk in the basilica or fill one of the envelops dedicated for prayer intentions in front of it and submit your offering.

Offering a mass – Online

Ask for a mass to be celebrated here.