The divine office
At the Sacré-Coeur, the Sisters pray the divine office every day.
The divine office at the Basilica
From 6.30am to 10.30pm every day, the basilica is a living shrine! The sisters living at the basilica pray the divine office all day long. You can join their prayer.
The Readings Service (in the morning, before Lauds, or the evening before Sundays and et solemnities: Vigils)
- 8am Morning Office (Lauds)
- 12pm Mid-Day Office (Sext) except Sundays
- 6pm Vespers At 4pm on Sundays
- 9.30pm Compline
All are welcome to join, with respect to the running of each office. Thank you for wearing proper attire in the sacred basilica and for contributing to maintain a contemplative atmosphere by remaining silent.
Should you wish to enjoy the texts of the psalms, please visit the website of the AELF (Association Épiscopale Liturgique pour les pays Francophones / Episcopal liturgical association for French-speaking countries).
To know more about how the Liturgy of the Hours impact the life of the Sisters, you can visit the website of the Congregation of the Benedictine Sisters of the Sacré-Coeur of Montmartre.
To join our prayer without traveling, you can :
- follow the midday service live on television on the KTO channel or on the KTO website .
- follow the vespers service live at 4 p.m. on Sunday which is broadcast live on Radio Notre Dame.