At the Basilica, a priest is on duty every day at the Saint Louis chapel – on your right as you enter – to give the sacrament of Reconciliation (confession).
1 JEAN 1.9If we acknowledge our sins, God who is faithful and just can be trusted to forgive them and cleanse us from every wrong
Confession Schedule
Every day, the chaplains of the Basilica are available to give the sacrament of Reconciliation
10-12am | 3.30-5.30pm | 8.15 – 8.45pm |
It’s been a long time since your last confession? Or you have specially come to the basilica to live the sacrament of forgiveness? In any case, the priest on duty at the Saint Louis chapel will welcome you and answer your questions. Do not hesitate to go to him.
When living the sacrament of forgiveness, we offer ourselves to God’s Mercy, which lifts us from our downfalls, frees us from the weight of our sins and opens the way to a new life. How to practice confession?

THE HOLY CURÉ OF ARSGod’s mercy is like an overflowing torrent. It sweeps heart away in its path.
The Sacrament of Forgiveness
We provide you with a booklet to guide you in your confession.